Does Gynecomastia Go Away?
By Sergio G. - 14.01.2023

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Finding out that you have gynecomastia can be very difficult. Will it go away on its own? What can I do to treat it? Do I have to get gynecomastia surgery?
In today's article, we'll answer all of these questions and find out that, while gynecomastia does not go away in most cases, there are ways to treat it without surgery
What is Gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is a condition in which the tissue of the male breast area becomes enlarged and swollen. It is often caused by an imbalance of hormones in the body and can be seen in men of all ages. It is not a serious medical condition, but it can be a source of embarrassment, discomfort, and even psychological distress for some men.
Estrogen, the female hormone, and testosterone, the male hormone, are both needed in the body for healthy male development. When the levels of these hormones become imbalanced, it can cause the breast tissue to become inflamed, swollen, and enlarged. This can happen during puberty, due to hormonal changes, or even later in life due to illness, medications, or even the natural aging process.
Gynecomastia can cause a variety of symptoms including tenderness, pain, and swelling in the breast area.
In some cases, the enlargement can be significant enough to interfere with daily activities such as exercise or sleeping, which makes it especially difficult to live with.

A severe case of Gynecomastia resolved through surgery
Does it Go Away By Itself?
Unfortunately, the answer is not simple.
In some cases, Gynecomastia can go away on its own if the cause of the imbalance is addressed.
For instance, if the condition is caused by a medication, then stopping the medication may help the symptoms to subside. Additionally, if the condition is caused by a medical condition, then treating the condition may also help to reduce the symptoms of Gynecomastia.
However, in most cases, the condition does not go away on its own. In these cases, treatment is necessary to reduce the symptoms.
Treatment options for Gynecomastia include surgery, hormone therapy, and medications.
Surgery is the most common treatment option, as it can remove the excess tissue in the chest area and help restore the balance of hormones in the body. Hormone therapy and medications can also be used to help reduce the symptoms of gynecomastia, however, both methods are not entirely proven to produce a realiable effect.
So, to answer the question: Does Gynecomastia Go Away? In some cases, the condition may go away on its own. But in most cases, treatment is necessary to reduce the symptoms.
How Exactly Does Gynecomastia Surgery Work?
Gynecomastia surgery, also known as male breast reduction, is a surgical procedure used to reduce the size of male breast tissue and improve the shape of the chest. It involves the removal of excess glandular tissue, fat, and skin from the chest area.
During the procedure, the surgeon will make an incision in the chest area and remove the excess glandular tissue, fat, and skin. The incision is then closed with sutures or staples.
The amount of glandular tissue, fat, and skin removed depends on the patient's age, the severity of the condition, and the desired outcome. In some cases, the surgeon may also need to remove excess skin in order to achieve the desired outcome. Once the excess tissue and skin have been removed, the surgeon will then use liposuction to sculpt the chest area and improve its appearance.
When the surgery is complete, the patient will need to wear a compression garment for several weeks or months to help reduce swelling and support the area while it heals. The patient will also need to keep the area clean and dry and avoid strenuous activities for several weeks.
After the area has healed, the patient can return to normal activities, but may need to wear a compression garment for up to six months to maintain results.
Gynecomastia surgery is generally considered a safe and effective procedure that can help reduce the size and appearance of male breasts.
However, as with any surgery, there are some risks associated with the procedure. These risks include infection, bleeding, scarring, and asymmetry.
To reduce the risk of complications, it is important to follow the instructions provided by your surgeon and to seek medical attention if any symptoms of infection or other complications occur.
Another problem associated with gynecomastia surgery, is the high price-tag the affected must pay.
Surgery can cost up to $10,000 and is often not covered by regular health insurance, which makes it very difficult to afford for the average person.

What Other Solutions Are There Besides Surgery?
Living with gynecomastia is difficult and can be a huge burden on the affected men's confidence and lifestyle.
While surgery is the only proven solution to fully eliminate gynecomastia, there are many ways to mitigate its impact on the one's confidence and mental health.
Some of the common methods tried include, developing a hunched over posture, taping down the chest, wearing oversized or thick-fabric t-shirts, and wearing too small undershirts.
We have another complete blog article highlighting the possible ways of hiding gynecomastia and their advantages and disadvantges, which you can access here.
Unfortunately, most of the common methods used are not sustainable in the long-term and can even be very unhealthy.
Luckily, there is a solution that's proven to work and adopted by many men already: A Gyneocmastia Compression Vest.
If you want to learn more about a compression vest for gynecomastia, follow this link:
The Nr.1 Solution to Gynecomastia that doesn't involve surgery